Sunday, February 17, 2013

Stackable Fabric Blocks

A few months ago, I found this great pattern on the blog, "Sew, Mama, Sew" and decided I would try it.  They are stackable fabric blocks and I thought it would be great for my daughter when she gets a bit older.

The link to the project and blog is :

I only have a few pictures now to share but will be sure to post pictures of the finished product when I am finally done.
My Kenmore Mini Ultra AKA "Life Saver"

My messy workstation.  I am hoping to expand in due time:)

This is one of the medium sized blocks.  The bottom is the open side of the square and still needs to be hand stitched to complete the block.


Newest Fabric Purchase

I went to the fabric store yesterday for one item I needed to finish a project I am working on.  I found these fabric quarters which were on sale for $1.29 a piece and couldn't resist!  I think I am going to use the them to make some headbands for my little one.

My First Official Completed Quilt and First Sewing Project Ever!

Full View

Three flannel fabrics: green and brown polka dots,
pink and brown teddy bears, and a plain off-white
Yes, the Binding was all done by hand, thank you
to Lisa and her love of doing this:)

Finished Project In My Daughter's Nursery

Attempting to Capture My Love for Autumn in Fabric

After completing my first quilt for my daughter's nursery, I immediately started on my second project.  Autumn is my favorite season so I knew I wanted to select fabrics that best captures the season  My mother in law came down to visit us and went to the fabric store with me.  It took me a while to pick out the exact prints I wanted (I would pick three up, put one back down) - but I finally made a decision and am quite happy with how this one turned out.  

Unlike the biscuit quilt which was hand tied, I attempted machine threading on this one.  Though it was quite time consuming (not only in the process but teaching myself how to do it), I am quite happy with how it turned out.  

The backing is a light yellow with intricate little white flowers that I had left over from another project.  The binding, though hard to see, is a glittery off-white fabric that adds a nice touch when looking at the piece up close.

I used 6 different fabric quarters for the inside squares and a light and flowery print for the connecting fabric.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

How My Love For Sewing Started

The idea of sewing never interested me.  I always envied people who could quilt and sew beautiful projects but the sewing machine itself intimidated me.  Then in the spring of 2012 while I pregnant with my daughter, my mother in law offered to teach me how to sew/quilt with a Kenmore Mini Ultra she picked up for me.

The first project she showed me was her infamous "biscuit" quilt.  She had already purchased and pre-cut the fabric for me.  It was my task to become friends with this foreign object and magically make a quilt.

With patience that most wish they had, she taught me the ins and outs.  I had four months off during the summer and nothing to do but rest and wait for our daughter to arrive.  Day in and day out, I worked at my sewing station that my husband helped set up for me in the living room and finished my first quilt.  It is now used in her crib and has been the perfect addition to her nursery.

Since then, my love for sewing and quilting has grown.  I take my daughter to the fabric store on a regular basis and am constantly looking for new projects to start.  It is my hope that this will be the spot I can share all my works and ideas with those that also share the same passion that I do.  Let the blogging begin!