Saturday, July 27, 2013

Gift for Baby Shower: Diaper and Wipes Case

My dear friend is due to have her second child (a boy) next month so I decided to make something this time around.  Using some leftover fabric from the Fabric Circles I made a while ago, I whipped up a simple diaper and wipes case topped off with a cute little snap.

The outer fabric is grey and yellow flowers with a complementary inner fabric of polka dots!  My mother-in law has a snap fastener machine, therefore I decided to use a yellow snap instead of velcro for the enclosure.

I picked up a compact box of wipes and included one diaper to give an idea of the proportions.

It fits 1-2 diapers and the wipes case comfortably.  I think this would be great for a mom's purse instead of lugging around a diaper bag which we all know can be annoying and heavy!

Hope you enjoy:)

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