Sunday, March 10, 2013

DIY Wall Art

My soon to be husband and I are getting married in June of this year.  And while I am not a huge fan of popular social media sites, I have become friends with Pinterest and am not looking back!  I found a great idea under some DIY pages to make some great wall art using fabric and embroidery looms.

These are the fabrics I selected.  They match our bedroom decor and I will be
hanging the finished looms above our bed.

I simply cut a square of fabric to fit around the loom.

Trimmed the edges close to the frame, then tightened the screw.

These are 8 of the ten I completed.  
I will be hanging these in the next day or so and will post the final product once I am done.  So happy with this project!

Fabric Blocks Completed!

I finished all the machine sewing on the fabric blocks I mentioned a few weeks ago, but needed my mother-in law to hand sew the edges.  She loves hand sewing and I do not have the patience.  I am so excited that they are finally finished!

My daughter is still a bit too young to be able to play with them as she is still conquering the task of sitting up on her own, so for now, I think I will display them on a shelf and enjoy the colorful fabrics from afar.